
Platinum Partner

Innovating Spatial Experiences

d'strict is a design company that creates innovative spatial experiences by integrating content and digital media technology. Since its establishment in 2004, our company has continuously evolved along with technological advancement. Today, d'strict offers' Commercial Service' that provides customized content upon each client's request as well as 'Art Service' using self-produced content.

d'strict's strength lies in the ability to produce content based on a comprehensive understanding of digital media technology. Based on our visual creativity and the finesse in fusing content with digital technology, our experts across the field, from content planning to visual·motion·graphic design, system design·spatial integration, software development, and operations management, work harmoniously to provide a total business solution.

With our content development prowess paced with fast-changing digital media technology, we are expanding the scope of our service globally. d'strict offers various B2B services to global companies; via LED.ART, we provide licenses of sophisticated media art content highly adaptable to exponentially-developing digital displays. Since 2022, we have scaled up our B2C service by implementing a global expansion of ARTE MUSEUM, our own immersive media art exhibition space. a'strict, our media artist unit conceived for the fine art scene, will continue to introduce new values to contemporary art by straddling the boundary between commerce and art.

Our journey of innovating spatial experience with digital media technology continues.


At d'strict, we believe that nature offers a moment of tranquility and respite to a vast global audience.

While the digital and the natural may appear at odds with each other, they converge on a common trait: the concept of infinity. Recognizing this, d'strict strives to forge a novel connection, intertwining the theme of nature with our digital art. As a result, the dialogue that arises between the artwork and the observer provides a unique sense of solace and tranquility.

Nature, as a subject, effortlessly resonates with a universal audience due to its intuitive appeal and widespread acceptance. It also enhances the accessibility of art pieces fabricated utilizing digital technology.

We envision spaces as artistic works, infusing life into them through multimedia. By juxtaposing these spaces against the urban terrain, we invite people to immerse themselves in the unparalleled comfort and solace offered by nature, thereby reigniting their admiration for it in the process.

Our conviction extends beyond merely showcasing art inspired by nature. We believe that our creations act as conduits that enable viewers to genuinely experience and rekindle their understanding of the critical value of sustainability.


WAVE is a journey filled with thrills and paradoxes, embodying a wave that crashes and roars, seemingly poised to engulf everything in its path, yet ultimately restrained within an otherworldly space. The screen acts as a colossal transparent aquarium within the virtual environment, allowing audiences to marvel at the endlessly undulating waves. Here, viewers discover a piece of tranquility that only nature can provide, this time right here, facilitated by digital media.


WHALE presents the majestic spectacle of this grand creature swerving through the ocean's expanse. The whale moves with magnificent grace, evoking the wondrous tales of our dreams and existence within the embrace of Mother Nature. We wish that WHALE serves as a reminder that we are liberated beings, free to think beyond conventional confines and to express our unique selves.


Egrets glide gracefully through the depths, embodying a perfect synergy with the ocean. Immerse yourself in a world of awe, where the delicate balance of marine life unfolds. Experience the wonder of our ecosystem and discover the beauty that awaits beneath.


When you're in pursuit of the perfect wave, SURF BREAK offers an ideal haven for surfers. Embodying an intense, playful energy, SURF BREAK instills the sensation of riding the ocean's crest on a surfboard. Experience the formidable forces of nature firsthand as the waves crash and break in this captivating digital spectacle.

Acknowledgement of Country

We acknowledge the Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander peoples as the first inhabitants and the traditional custodians of the lands where we live, learn and work. We pay our respects to the Elders past, present, and emerging, for they hold the memories, the traditions and culture.